A lock on a door knob.
What common household item weighs 700 g
You subtract 1 yard from 5 yards to get 4 yards.
5 miles is 8800 yards
5 yards
A lock on a door knob.
What common household item weighs 700 g
My oddly designed blender.
A bag of flour or sugar is a common household item that is around 5 pounds in weight.
wages household
What's more 17 tablespoon or 9 fluid ounces
A bag of sugar that weighs 5 kg is a common example of an object that has a mass of 5 kg.
5 yards
5 miles is equal to 8,800 yards.
5 yards = 15 feet.
5 yards is 457.2cm
For 5/6 and 7/8 the LCD is 24.