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Q: What common objects have a triangular prisim shape?
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Triangular prisim

What shape has 4 faces which are congruent triangles?

A triangular prisim (3 faces on sides, one face on bottom).

What are the various objects which have trangular shape?

There is a musical instrument which is triangular in shape blocks are some times triangular in shape.

What is the volume of the prisim whose demensions are 6 long 15 high and 4 wide?

The volume of the prism (not prisim) depends on its shape. Information about the dimensions (not demensions) is not enough without knowing the shape of the cross section: circular, triangular, rectangular etc.

What objects are in the shape of a triangular prism?


Objects that have a triangle shape?

Triangles, pyramids, and prisms can all have triangular shapes.

What is the geometric shape of a shoebox?

The geometric shape of a shoebox is a rectangular prisim.

What 3-D shape will you make if you stack triangles?

rectangular prism

What common item does have a triangular prism shape?

a toblerone chocolate

What is the shape of an ice hockey goal?

rectangular prisim