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I don't know if there are any valid statistics to answer your query. However, I was home schooled as were my brothers and I believe we have done very well. The three of us hold advanced degrees and are very active in our chosen community affairs. I don't believe it is an either/or situation. I believe it is which is of the higher quality. If parents or whomever is supervising the home educating are dedicated and dilligent It can result in a well educated, emotionally stable child. There are many options for home schooled children to inter-act with their peers and build their social skills. Such as sports, scouting, religious affiliations, etc...

What you'll find there seems to indicate that on any scale the sociologists have chosen to measure, homeschoolers do as well as or better than the people in the community schools.

Yes! Ivy League schools actually have specific recruiters for homeschoolers, because they ROCK! (I'm a homeschool dad currently talking to Harvard and Princton. They LIKE homeschoolers.)

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Q: What comparative statistics are out there regarding how home schoolers compare to non-homeschoolers?
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How do you write 7 over as a decimal form?

i can tell this has to do with homework you summer schoolers now do the math

What are homeschool statistics for the US?

The following statistics are from a report entitled Home Schooling in the United States 2003 by the National Center for Education Statistics: In the spring of 2003, an estimated 1.1 million students nationwide were being homeschooled, an increase of 29% since 1999. During this period, the overall population of U.S. students increased by 1%, from 50.2 million to 50.7 million, for kindergarten through grade 12. The percent of US students homeschooled in 2003 is 2.2 percent, up from 1.7 percent in 1999. See New Report: The following statistics are from a report entitled Home Schooling in the United States: 1999: In the spring of 1999, an estimated 850,000 students nationwide were being homeschooled. This amounts to 1.7 percent of U.S. students, ages 5 to 17, with a grade equivalent of kindergarten through grade 12. Four out of five homeschoolers were homeschooled only (82 percent) and one out of five homeschoolers were enrolled in public or private schools part time (18 percent). A greater percentage of homeschoolers compared to non-home-schoolers were white, non-Hispanic in 1999-75 percent compared to 65 percent. At the same time, a smaller percentage of homeschoolers were black, non-Hispanic students and a smaller percentage were Hispanic students. The household income of homeschoolers in 1999 was no different than non-home-schoolers. However, parents of homeschoolers had higher levels of educational attainment than did parents of non-home-schoolers. Parents gave a wide variety of reasons for homeschooling their children. These reasons included being able to give their child a better education at home, for religious reasons, and because of a poor learning environment at school. See New Report:

What are facts about 82?

In Base10, 82 represents 8 tens and 2 ones = 80 + 2 = 82, a COMPOSITE number equalling the product of two prime numbers, 2 and 41. Shame on middle schoolers everywhere and on my students and their children unto the tenth generation for not answering this by now.;-) Mr. Hunt, 2009.10.16

What is AP calculas?

Advanced Placement Calculus. It's an intense, college level calculus course taken by high schoolers. At the end of the course, in May, students can take the AP exam, in which they can obtain college credit depending on what score they receive (graded on a scale of 1-5, most colleges accept a 4 and 5 as credit, and sometimes a 3).

What does tv y mean?

A TV-Y content rating for a television show in the USA means that it's fine for everyone to watch, even very small children. You usually see that rating on shows meant for pre-schoolers and other small children. TV-Y7 means the show is safe for children ages 7 and up, but may not be suitable for younger children.

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We home schoolers take tests kinda like SAT's.

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