To "compare" usually means to find out which of two numbers is bigger, if any.
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) compares 3 or more means. The t-test would only compare 2 means.
You do not under stand!!!!! 'linear' means in a line. 'Square feet' means in an AREA. You cannot compare. a line with an area.
To compare ratios, compare the products of the outer terms by the inner terms.
Compare means to say what is alike between one or more things. Contrast is to say what is different between them.
Er means Engineer
comparing means the word itself "compare" compare means you put two or more objects and you see the differences and observe them.
To "compare" usually means to find out which of two numbers is bigger, if any.
compare and contrast mean the equalities and differences between what you are comparing and contrasting.
compare means what two things have in common. contrast are the differences things have.
It means: * Calculate the density of an object * Calculate the density of its pieces * Compare
Compare means to identify similarities between two or more things, while contrast means to identify differences between them. When you compare and contrast, you are examining both the similarities and differences in order to highlight key distinctions.
No, don't use a single t-test to compare the means of 3 or more groups. Use ANOVA.
No. Compare means to look at the similarities, and contrast means to look at the differences.
"Compare with" is used to show similarities and differences between things that are similar in nature, while "compare to" is used to liken one thing to another, typically for the purpose of illustration or explanation.