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It was a home-built PC with a 48 terabyte hard drive.

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Q: What computer calculated the latest pi digits?
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What computer calculated the latest digits in Pi?

Desktop Gizmodo

What is the greatest number of decimal places to which pi has been calculated to date since 2018 or latest?

22,459,157,718,361 digits

What computer found the latest digits of pi?

It was a home-built PC with a 48 terabyte hard drive.

What is the highest recorded digits of pi?

Pi was calculated to 10 trillion digits on October 17, 2011.

How many digits in pi?

Because Pi is known to be an irrational number it means that the digits never end or repeat in any known way. But calculating the digits of Pi has proven to be an fascination for mathematicians throughout history. Some spent their lives calculating the digits of Pi, but until computers, less than 1,000 digits had been calculated. In 1949, a computer calculated 2,000 digits and the race was on. Millions of digits have been calculated, with the record held (as of September 1999) by a supercomputer at the University of Tokyo that calculated 206,158,430,000 digits. (first 1,000 digits). However, learning 3.141, is all that is necessary. But you can go on and on, to infinity, and never find the exact circumference of a circle. I have only memorized 205 digits of pi; and yes I do use it to find the circumference of a circle.

How many digits of pi have said?

The "Pi Computer Project" or PCP finished some time in November 2010, it calculated about 5 trillion digits! * * * * * But the number crunching goes on! As of 17 October 2011, the answer is 10 trillion.

When was the first 100 digits of pi calculated?


Who has recorded the most pi digits and how many were there?

Alexander J. Yee and Shigeru Kondo have calculated 10 trillion digits of Pi.

How many place has pi been calculated to by computer?

Almost 2.7 trillion digits. * * * * * As of 17 October 2011, the answer is 10 trillion = 1013.

What computer was the first to calculate pi and to how many digits?

Pi was calculated, and could be written to any number of places you wanted if you were willing to spend the time at it, hundreds of years before anbody ever imagined the idea of a computer.

How many digits of pi have been calculated?

too many

What digits of pi did Isaac Newton discover?

Isaac Newton got up to 16 digits of pi when using his method or he calculated 3.1415926535897932