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Q: What computer solved pi?
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Related questions

Who solved pi and when?

No one has 'solved' pi. It is an infinite number (it goes on forever).

Can the problem of computing the number pi be solved exactly?

No. Pi is a neverending number.

What Star Trek episode did Spock use the value of pi to crash the computer?

It was on the original Star Trek tv show. The computer was programmed to find the final digit of pi. As pi has no end, the computer was endlessly working on that which could not be solved. Credit to Mr. Spock, who was the Science Officer on board the Enterprise, and a Vulcan.

What times pi 46?

Pi 46 is solved by taking pi and multiplying by 46. So pi times 46 = 144.513262.

How can pi be solved?

lulz dumb question noobs

Where do you start when solving the mathematical pi?

Pi is not something that can be "solved." Please rephrase your question with mores specifics.

What major contribution did Rene Descartes make to geometry?

solved pi...

What is the equation for decibels solved for intensity?

10log10 (p1 /p0 ) where the pi are power values.

What is a impossible math problem that never can be solved?

pi has yet to be solved so i guess that pi is a impossible math problem.That above meaning the digits of pi. Pi is an irrational number so its digits will go forever. Not sure if that's considered a math problem, though.How about trisecting an angle using geometric constructions. That one hasn't been solved yet to my knowledge.Squaring the circle - constructing a square and a circle which have the same area, would be another one that I believe is unsolvable.

Did pi ever solve a problem?

The constant "pi" 0,314159...... is used in every branch of science, from calculating material quantity for domes in construction to calculating absorption properties of new substances in chemistry. To calculate the circumference of a circle = c = 2(pi)r The area of a circle a = (pi)r² you can also use the formula (pi)d to find the circumference Although pi has solved countless problems, no problem has ever been solved with whatever pi equals EXACTLY. Therefore, when using pi to solve a problem, the majority of mathematicians and scientists round pi down to 3.14

Pie squared plus pie squared divied by 2?

if you mean PI squared + PI squared / by 2 then that is.... 4.9298 solved on paper ... BUT if you mean what you said, the answer is YUMMY!

What is the radius of a circle that has an area of 30 m?

3.090193616 meters Solved by 30/pi and then square root it.