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The "table below" does not exist in the question and, therefore, the question makes no sense.

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Q: What conclusion may be drawn from the table below if an element has a mass of 150 g and a volume of 10 cubic cm?
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Yes, volume is in cubic feet

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Cubic feet is one unit of measurement of volume, though any cubic unit of measurement (cubic centimeters, cubic yards, ect.) is representative of a volume.

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The unit for volume is the cubic meter. Or some other cubed linear measurement - such as cubic centimeter, cubic millimeter, cubic kilometer, or cubic light-year.

Exact equivalant in volume to 1000 cubic centimeters?

1000 cubic centimeters is a measure of volume; the only "exact equivalant in volume" possible would be in another measure of volume, such as cubic inches, cubic feet, cubic meters, etc.

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Volume is measured in cubic measurements, such as m3, cm3, ft3, etc... .