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Q: What conditions encourage complex shapes to form?
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Do crystals have the same shapes?

No, crystals can have various shapes depending on their chemical composition and the conditions in which they form. Common crystal shapes include cubic, hexagonal, prismatic, and needle-like forms. Crystals can also exhibit unique and complex shapes based on their atomic arrangement.

What 7 shapes can be used to form a parallelogram?

There is no defining characteristic for the set. Provided they meet certain conditions, there is an infinite number of possibilities. Put the arrow of time in reverse: Take a parallelogram. Cut it up into 7 shapes. What set of shapes do you end up with? Obviously these 7 shapes can be combined to form a parallelogram. Now try different cuts. Then different parallelograms.

What is the possessive form of complex?

The possessive form for the noun complex is complex's.

Why are cars made from steel rather than alluminium?

Steel is cheaper and easier to weld, and form into complex shapes. There are some cars made from aluminum.

What geometrical shapes do crystals form?

Crystals form in the shapes of hexagons or six-sided prisms.

Which term is synonymous with organic shapes?

Free-form shapes

What is a crystal shape?

A crystal shape refers to the geometric form or structure that a mineral naturally takes on when it solidifies. This can include shapes like cubes, hexagons, prisms, or even more complex forms depending on the mineral's atomic structure and growth conditions.

What geometrical shapes show how crystals form?

Crystals form in the shapes of hexagons or six-sided prisms.

What is the plural form of the word shape?

The plural form of the word "shape" is "shapes."

Why DNA molecules don't have tertiary and quaternary structure?

DNA molecules are composed of a double helix structure, which is considered their primary structure. Unlike proteins, DNA lacks the diversity of amino acids that enable the complex folding required for tertiary and quaternary structures. Additionally, the primary function of DNA is information storage rather than catalytic or structural roles, which do involve tertiary and quaternary structures.

How do constellations form shapes?

Constellations appear to form shapes from Earth's perspective because the stars that make up a constellation are at various distances from us. In reality, these stars may not be physically related or close to each other in space. However, they appear to form patterns or shapes due to how we perceive them in the night sky.

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