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Q: What contains the variable or changing values for each form letter?
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Quantiles or measured properties that are capable of changing values are called what?

Quantiles are measures of spread or dispersion. Properties that are capable of changing values are variable properties.

What is a letter that is used to represent one or more numbers which are the values?


A quanity that can have more than a single value is called?

A quantity that can have more than a single value is called a variable. In mathematics, variables represent unknown or changing values that can take on different numerical values.

What always contains a pointer variable?

pointer variable in c contains the address or the location of the other variable. eg- if a=2 and address of a is 2345. b=&a then b is a pointer which contains 2345 which is the address of a. *b gives value of that is 2.

To evaluate a variable expression you must do what to values for the variable?

You must substitute values for the variable.

What is a unknown or change quantity?

An unknown or changing quantity is a variable in a mathematical equation or problem that is not fixed but can take different values. It is typically represented by a letter, such as x or y, and its value needs to be determined in order to solve the problem.

What is a variable in C language?

variable which is used to specify the values and also we can that values through the variable name

If a variable has possible values -2 6 and 17 then this variable is?

If a variable has possible values -2 6 and 17 then this variable is an Integer.

What is the term that refers to the opposite of a constant?

The term that refers to the opposite of a constant is a variable. In mathematics, variables are symbols used to represent unknown or changing values, as opposed to constants which represent fixed values.

What are the values of the idependent variable and the dependent variable?

the independent variable is usually assigned to x the dependent variable is usually assigned to y their values will vary because they are variables. that is the definition of variable

What is a Varriable Expression?

Any expression that contains one or more variable, such as x; x+2; x+y; x2, etc. Depending on the values of the variables, the expression can also have different values.

What does the letter n represent in maths?

In math, the letter "n" is commonly used as a variable to represent a number that is not specified. It is often used in equations and formulas to indicate a variable quantity that can take on different values.