A single number, such as 2726101400, does not make a sequence.
If the decimal is rational if it continues in a pattern. ex 2.586586586586586.... It is irrational if it continues forever without a pattern. ex 2.586943732434006843...
A dodecagon is a 12 sided polygon
IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIIIXXXIXIIXIIIXIVXVXVIXVIIXVIIIXIXXXHope you can figure out the rest because the pattern continues.
A single number, such as 2726101400 does not define a sequence.
A single number, such as 2726101400, does not make a sequence.
It is a pattern that continues keep on and on...
If the decimal is rational if it continues in a pattern. ex 2.586586586586586.... It is irrational if it continues forever without a pattern. ex 2.586943732434006843...
It the pattern continues as ssa ssa, then 's' would be next in the sequence. This is only if the pattern is a recurring pattern. If the pattern continues without recurrence of the given sequence, then 'a' would be next, because if 's' repeats itself twice, then 'a' would also.
A dodecagon is a 12 sided polygon
IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIIIXXXIXIIXIIIXIVXVXVIXVIIXVIIIXIXXXHope you can figure out the rest because the pattern continues.
9 inches
begins at conception and continues throughout the human lifespan