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Q: What contribution did the Indians make in whole numbers?
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What contribution did the Indians make in mathematic?

Most important: the numbers we use today were made by indians then passed to arabs then to europeans and later to the whole world.

How many whole numbers can you make using the first three whole numbers?

Using 1, 2, and 3, you can make 27 whole numbers.

How do you make a mixed number to a whole number?

Mixed numbers usually become improper fractions, not whole numbers.

How many numbers are in the whole world?

There are 10 numbers in the whole world 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 you use those numbers over and over again to make larger numbers.

How do you make a historical contribution on

The "historical" contribution number indicates a contribution made in the past that counted as a contribution before we changed the system, and would no longer count in the current system. You can't add to these numbers in the new system.

How many numbers can go into 68?

To make whole numbers. The numbers 1,2,4,17,34,68. So 6 numbers.

Make a generalization about dividends and quotients for whole numbers?

The quotient for whole numbers will always be less than or equal to the dividend. It will never be more.

How many ways can you make 100 by multipling two numbers?

With whole numbers, there are five ways.

Is the number 56 a rational number whole number natural number or irrational number?

56 is a rational whole natural number. Or to put it another way: 56 is a Natural number, but as all natural numbers are also whole numbers 56 is also a whole number, but as all whole numbers are also rational numbers 56 is also a rational number. Natural numbers are a [proper] subset of whole numbers; Whole numbers are a [proper] subset of rational numbers. The set of rational numbers along with the set of irrational numbers make up the set of real numbers

Is 333.6666666666667 a prime number?

The concepts of "prime numbers" and "composite numbers" make sense for integers (whole numbers), not for arbitrary real numbers.

What two numbers can you multiply to make 2?

They are 1 x 2 assuming you mean whole numbers.

What whole numbers can be mutiplied to make 97?

Only 1 and 97.