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you should not be mean you should be nice and glorify God while u be nice! because we are all going too die and go to heaven or hell. today is the day of salvation! i got saved at bakers!

First, unlesss you are a counselor or shrink you should do nothing. This is for professionals only. Second, even if you are one of the above you should not do anything unless the person asks specifically for your help. It's none of your business and you might make them real mad. Maybe to the point of violence. You say they are an abuser so you need to watch it. Third, if you know for sure that the person has become violent with someone you need to report it to the Police. It's their job to take care of it not yours. Sorry if I seem harsh but... you know.

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Q: What conversational tactics can one use to get an abuser to talk about the problem?
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When your opinion about how to solve a problem has differed from your supervisors you have typically?

An opinion on solving a problem with a supervisor is to sit down and talk to them. Discuss your viewpoint but also listen to and respect theirs.

Why you should never commit suicide from bullying?

You should not commit suicide from bullying because escaping the problem is not a solution to the problem. Instead of feeling sorry for the situation, there are many ways on how one can alleviate and solve the problem. There are authorities or school personnel, whom one can talk to, in order to report these issues.

Is it bad if you have a 2 inch penis and your 6'1?

You are below average but there isn't really much you can do about it and it isn't your fault. You can talk to a doctor if you are concerned that it might be the result of a physical problem.

Is a 13 year old female that is 5feet 7 inches weighs 115 pounds anerexit?

only just your bmi would be 18 so unless you hav a serious problem with eating, then i dont think its a problem you show probaly talk to a friend about how you are feeling

Junior maths challenge j4?

This question relates to a problem in the Maths Challenge for Young Australians and students are not allowed to seek answers in this manner. There is no point in doing the challenge if all you are getting is other people to answer the questions for you. Eventually, if you cannot do the problem, your teacher will have the correct solutions and can talk you through it. There is nothing to be gained by cheating as there are no prizes.

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Well if its UNintended, then no it doesn't make you a abuser. The abuser continues his abusive ways even after it's been brought up to him or her. Just be sure to talk to your spouse about this problem. Let them know that you are sorry for what you did and you did not mean to do it.

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sometimes a verbal abuser can be consider a sociopath they get involve and like the dirty talk and begin to make them feel and enjoy group talk that is abusive.

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You should not wish revenge against an abuser, this will only make your abuser furious and cause them to harm you more than they already have. To stop an abuser you need to talk to the authorities and if you are a teenager or younger person that is being abuse you need to talk to a trusted adult for help.

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Abuser of what? drugs or you? Convince them to go to anger management, or rehab. talk to them and try to make them stop.

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Answer"You can lead a horse to water, but not make it drink" is just a saying for trying to talk to someone but you cant make them do something

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well, there is the option to talk about how often you play with yourself... and what technique and style

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They may talk tactics, but could also talk about going for a pint after the game.

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If someone is verbally abusive to their family than the family can seek counciling for theirself and the abuser. Other alturnitive is to kick the abuser out of the house. If they are under 18 than the parents could talk to the school councelor about their behavior at school and they may recommend help.

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if you have a problem at school or amnywhere talk to someone about it .