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Could be anything. Could be a muscle knot, could be a cyst, could be a benign growth of tissue, could be worse. Could be something else. Get to a doctor. You need someone with experience to examine it.

AnswerIt could be a bone spur.
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Q: What could a lump be on the back of your neck bone on the right side?
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What can an unmovable lump on the right side of lower back be it feels as hard as a bone but its not on my left side doesnt hurt to touch it and only starts hurting after work or driving?

A hard lump on your back could be caused by a pulled muscle. The only way to know for sure would be to schedule an appointment with your doctor to have the proper testing done.

What can an unmovable lump on the right side of lower back be it feels as hard as a bone but its not on my left side doesnt hurt to touch it and only starts hurting after work or driving.?

A hard lump on your back could be caused by a pulled muscle. The only way to know for sure would be to schedule an appointment with your doctor to have the proper testing done.

Why do you have a lump where your collar bone was fractured?

Assuming the bone was set right (if it wasn't, the misalignment may be the cause), the lump is part of the natural process of bone-healing. The bone will form a clot around the break, which then solidifies by basically growing into bone. The resulting lump stays where it grow and makes that point stronger than before.

What could a small painless lump be on your lower back?

Any lump (painless or not) is cause for concern. I would get it checked out, it may be nothing....but it could be something serious, you should get it checked early. It could be something as innocous as harmless skin lump or it could be something more, go to the doctor to be checked out.

Can feel a lump in neck when you tilt back?

If ur wanting someone to answer this they need to what ur talking about, that could be anything, from a bone in ur neck to a pulled muscle.

What is the lump of immature bone cells that surround a broken bone?

The lump of immature bone cells that surround a broken bone is called a callus. It forms during the healing process of the broken bone and helps to stabilize and repair the injury.

What would a lump on your back right next to your spine What could it be?

It could be a lipoma, which is a noncancerous fatty lump; a sebaceous cyst, which is a blocked oil gland; or a muscle knot, which is a tense and contracted muscle. It's important to have it evaluated by a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

What does a red lump on the right side of your hip signify?

If the pain is above your Pelvic bone to the right of your bladder, it could be appendicitis. You can tell easiest if you press on your abdomen there and release it quickly. If the pain is worse when you do this, likely as not appendicitis. Go to the emergency room or clinic.

What could a hard lump found in front of right ear in line with lobe be?

It could be your ear bone, or even an inflamed lymph node.

What could a small lump on the right side of the shoulder next to the collar bone be I noticed it about three days ago and is a little sore to the touch.?

It could be a swollen lymph node due to an infection or inflammation in that area. However, it's important to have it checked by a healthcare provider to rule out any other potential causes, such as a cyst or a lipoma. If it's causing discomfort or growing in size, seek medical attention promptly.

Your dog has a bloody lump on the back of his neck what could this be from?

A bloody lump on your dog's neck could be from various causes such as an abscess, a bite wound, a cyst, or a tumor. It's important to have your veterinarian examine the lump to determine the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment.