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It could be cankor sores that anyone of us could get. It could be from too much acidity in the body, a jagged tooth bothering the tongue. Still, it's best to be honest with her and tell her a doctor should have a look at it just to be sure of what it is. Until then refrain from oral sex.

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Q: What could be two red bumps on each side of your tongue that are not painfu?
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Are tongue prints the same?

No, like fingerprints, tongue prints are unique to each individual. The large number of papillae on the tongue (bumps and ridges) create a distinct pattern that can be used for identification purposes.

What are the white bumps on the tongue of a 2 month old?

I think that you need to take your child to the doctor because all though I am not a doctor white bumps in the throat can be signs of strep throat i have had it many times and each time the first sign of it was white bumps on my throat.missy177

What causes white bumps underneath and on the side of the tongue?

The tongue has lots of small spots on it for taste and sensation. They are not usually very noticeable. If spots are an unusual color, cause irritation, or other symptoms accompany them, they can be the sign of a health problem.

Where are The papillae are located?

Vallate Papillae are hemispherical bumps, about 1-2mm in diameter, located on the extreme rear of the tongue. These papilla secrete a sort of 'cleansing solution' to remove unwanted particulates from the surrounding area, resulting in more responsive taste buds.

What could small pea-sized bumps on each side of your face be near your nose if they're not acne?

Um..They could be moles, I can't remember what they are called but there are moles that aren't brow and just look like skin bumps. They aren't unusual because alot of people have them.

How do I know if taste buds are inside your mouth?

Taste buds are located on your tongue, most of them being on the surface. You can't see taste buds with the naked eye, but they are clustered around the small bumps on your tongue called papillae. Each taste bud contains taste receptor cells that help you perceive different flavors.

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It is said that the typhoid fever patient has got coated tongue. It was usual practice of old and gold physicians to observe the tongue of each and every patient. I could never get any such information and do not fallow the practice of observing the tongue of the patient. Some experienced physician needs to edit this answer.

Do whales have a tongue?

They DO communicate with each other

How would I Describe a subway station at rush hour?

i guess you could say its like a line of ants because everyone bumps into each other even though there is space everywhere

If you have broken out with bumps on your hand with a small dot in the middle of each bump could it be a latex allergy?

It could be. There's probably a reason why you asked specifically about latex. If the rash appears where you touch something particular (eg latex gloves) on a regular basis - that could be causing the reaction.

How do you french kiss somone?

Well you kiss them like normal at first then you open your mount and stick out your tongue You mainly swap spit while sticking your tongues in each others mouths Well, you could sorda of tongue restle while having fun.

Is it harmful if puppis lick each other after taking a poop?

Not really cos a dog's tongue is surprisingly cleaner than ours! But it could be just quite germful.