The abacus is a mathemetical instrument used to calculate. It can do anything from addition ,maltiplicaiton, division, subtraction to calculating fractions. It is an ancient Chinese instrument used in shops for billing. Today there are many classes to teach children about the abacus and how it functions. Many adults too have found their intrests lying here and decide to work on this for their career. There are international, national, state, district, city, institution level competitions in which about a thousand student will participate. Believe me it is great fun.
People realized that they could only count so high with their fingers and toes, so the abacus was invented as an early calculator.
It was an abacus counting device
The Chinese abacus
An abacus could be considered an early ancestor to the calculator. It was made of wood and had wooden beads that slid on wires and were used to calculate arithmetic problems.
well here is the answer ! :)Some people use the abacus to solve some mathematical calculations
People realized that they could only count so high with their fingers and toes, so the abacus was invented as an early calculator.
You could be thinking of the abacus.
It was an abacus counting device
China invented the abacus .
How did the abacus occur?
An Abacus has beads and strings.
The Chinese abacus
it is the abacus. :D :D :D i got is dummies
An abacus could be considered an early ancestor to the calculator. It was made of wood and had wooden beads that slid on wires and were used to calculate arithmetic problems.