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Q: What could you do in 25 years?
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How long does a hydras live?

there lifespan of 12 years but they could live up to 25 years

What is the word for 25 years?

There is no special word. You could use "quarter century".

How manys are in 25 years?

There are exactly 25 years in 25 years.

Is there a minimum sentence for obstruction of justice?

usually it is up to 5 years in jail, but if you obstructed justice in a trial that could have been a sentence for more then you could serve that time. for example if someone commited murder and is facing 25 years, the person that obstructed justice can serve 25 years.

How many years did the Spartan soldiers live in the military barracks?

I believe it was 25 or 30 years, after which they could retire and have a wife and family.

How many years is 1989 to 2014?

It's 25 years.It is 2014 - 1989 = 25 years.You seem to be unaware of the fact that you could have obtained the answer much more easily and quickly by using the calculator that comes as part of your computer.

How long does a blue ring top snail live?

25 years 25 years 25 years

How old are horses before they die?

They normally live for 25-39 years, but if you ride him/her regularly and hes healthy, and you have a good friendship, you could get lucky and he could live to 35

How many years could a horse live up to?

The average lifespan of a horse is usally 25-30 years,if enough and right care is given.

How old do you have to be to be elected a us house of representative?

You must be 25 years old when you take office in the U.S. House of Representatives.

How seconds are in 25 years?

25 years = 788,923,149 seconds.

Minimum age for a member of the House of Representatives?

25 years old(: