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Q: What country has a flag with three parallel lines?
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How many parallel line pairs does a England flag has?

no lines

How many parallel lines does a England flag has?


Can you find any pair of parallel lines on a Japanese flag?

No because it is just a circle.

How many lines of symmetry are there in our national flag?

The answer will depend on who you are and so which country's flag you are asking about.

Which country's flag the most lines of symmetry?


What does the white lines on the greek flag represent?

it means the purity of the country

How many parallel lines are there in the united kingdom flag?

In the Union Jack, the flag of the United Kingdom, there are no parallel lines. The flag consists of diagonal and perpendicular lines intersecting to form a complex pattern of crosses representing the individual countries of the UK. The red diagonal cross of St. Patrick is superimposed over the diagonal white cross of St. Andrew, which is then superimposed over the vertical and horizontal red cross of St. George.

What is a geometric shape called that is found on the American flag?

There are parallel lines, rectangles and arrays of stars 5 by 6 and 4 by 5.

What country has a flag with two diagonal lines?

Scotland (a white diagonal cross on a blue background)

What is the significance of the three red stars on the flag?

The three red stars on the flag represent the three main islands of the country and symbolize unity and solidarity among the people.

What country has a flag with a yellow moon on it and three yellow stars?


What are Ireland color of their flag?

The Irish flag features green, white and orange. These colors run in three consecutive vertical lines which are evenly balanced.