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Q: What country have the highest number of multiple birth?
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Which country is estimated highest number of birth 2008?

i think India

Where is the largest birth rates?

The ten countries with the highest birth rates are on the continent of Africa. The country with the highest is Niger

Which country in Africa has the highest birth rate?

Niger has the highest birth rate in Africa, with an average of over 7 children born per woman. This high birth rate can have significant implications for the country's population growth and development.

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Which country in the world has the highest birth rate?

Niger 7.45

Which country of South Asia has the region's highest life expectancy at birth?

Sri Lanka has the highest life expectancy at birth in South Asia.

What country has the highest twin birth rate in the world?

The country with the highest twin birth rate in the world is Benin, located in West Africa. It is estimated that about 27.9 out of every 1,000 births in Benin are twins, making it the highest rate globally.

How can you tell if it's a multiple birth?

Count the of spring that is born. To do this you point at a newborn and say ONE, Put that number in your mind then look around for another new born from the same source, when you see it you TWO. If you find that you can reach the number TWO you have what can be safely referred to as a multiple birth. The number being lower then two will indicate that you are not dealing with a multiple birth.

Which country had the highest birth rate in 2009?

Niger - 51.60 births per 1000 persons...

Why is Africa the country with highest birth rate?

Africa isn't a country, it is a continent made up of 54 countries (sovereign states).....

Which country has the highest natural increase?

As of 2021, the country with the highest natural increase is Niger. It has a high birth rate and relatively low death rate, leading to a significant natural increase in its population.

What country life has the highest life expectancy?

Japan has the highest live expectancy at birth of Asian countries at 83.3, partly because Japan is a member of OECD.