The coordinates 15° north and 100° east correspond to the country of Thailand. These coordinates pinpoint a specific location on the Earth's surface, and when referencing the country associated with them, it is important to consider the latitude and longitude lines on a map. Thailand is situated in Southeast Asia and is known for its rich culture, beautiful landscapes, and vibrant cuisine.
10 - deg 20 - dau deg 30 - tri deg 40 - pedwar deg 50 - pump deg 60 - chewch deg 70 - saith deg 80 - wyth deg 90 - naw deg 100 - cant
The intersection of the equator (0 deg N) and the 180 deg longitude. At the equator and North of it the longitude is the International Date Line (IDL). At their intersection the IDL goes East to include Kiribati in the "Eastern" hemisphere.
100 degrees F is equivalent to 37.78 degrees C
100 f = 37.78 c
50 Centigrade corresponds to 122 deg. Fahrenheit. I explain> Centigrade scale fixes ice melting point at 0 degree and vaporization point of water at 100 deg., (100 deg. scale), while Fahrenheit scale fixes the first at 32 deg. and the latter at 212 deg. (180 deg. scale). you thus multiply your number by 180/100 and add 32 (the starting point of F scale).
The coordinates 35 degrees north and 135 degrees east correspond to Japan.
59 deg 56 min North, 29 deg 51 min East.
(43.173739, 132.006451)
30 N 30 E is El Beheira Governorate, Egypt.
60 N 60 E is the Ural Mountains in Russia.
China is 30 deg N and 102 deg E. To the north of Tailand, East of India, South of Mongolia and West of Japan.
There's no point on Earth with those coordinates. Latitude is never greater than 90° north or south.
The Seychelles is a country comprising about 115 islands in the Indian ocean, about 1500 kilometres east of mainland East Africa. The capital, Victoria, is located at 4 deg S, 55 deg E.
30 deg. north and 20 deg. North
The answer is the Taymyr Peninsula.
north of greece