The positive integer factors of 991 are: 1, 991
991 and 1.991 is a prime number and only has factors of 1 and 991.
991 is a prime, the others are composite.
Yes, 991 is a prime number. It has no factors other than 1 and itself.
There are 194 countries, so there are 194 country flags. (As of 5/7/08)
The positive integer factors of 991 are: 1, 991
1 and 991
The country code and area code of Baca, Mexico is 52, (01)991.
The country code and area code of Deggendorf, Germany is 49, (0)991.
991 and 1.991 is a prime number and only has factors of 1 and 991.
Country code +991 is assigned to an International Telecommunication Public Correspondence Service (ITPCS) trial project, but it is not yet operational.
The country code and area code of Urumchi- XJ, China is 86, (0)991.
Rohozec - Brno-Country District -'s population is 194.
There are 194 nations in the world (as of mid 2006), including 2 that are not members of the United Nations (Taiwan and Vatican City). Each of the 194 has a flag. If there is a 'country' without a flag, it is not a nation as such.
991 is a prime and so has no proper factors.