The coordinates 10S 50W point to the city of Cuiabá in Brazil. It is the capital of the state of Mato Grosso and is known for its rich cultural heritage and natural attractions.
That's in the middle of Brazil; only small towns nearby.
The country located at 12S 50W coordinates is Brazil.
Whathemisphere isJamaica country located in
Oh, dude, that's like Brazil. Yeah, so, like, if you're standing at 20S latitude and 50W longitude, you're probably chilling in Brazil. Just imagine yourself sipping on a caipirinha on the beaches of Rio, soaking up the sun at that exact location.
Since 10w is a factor of 50w, it is automatically the GCF.
Brazil. More specifically, the Piaui province of Brazil.
The 50W is not a multiviscosity.
Southeast England.