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Q: What country is number one in MATH?
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What is the earliest math problem?

One to one correspondence is the basis of all math. Counting and marking the number on a stick.

What is the tuition of a college math class?

Tuition varies widely from one country to another, and within one country, from one college to another.

What does population mean in math terms?

The number of people living in an area or country or state or city.

What do you do product in math?

You Multiply one number by another.

How do you answer decimal in math?

You don't 'answer' a decimal in math. The decimal is the portion of a number which is less than one.

What is the letter j in the math alphabet?

In math, j is the imaginary number that is the square root of positive one, but is not equal to one.

What is compostie in math?

a number that can be divided by anything except one.

What country was math made in?

Although it is widely thought that math was first invented in 5000 B.C., in Babylon, mathematics originated all around the world,there for it doesnt have a one country in which it came from

Math trivia for number one?

name the only natural number that is neither prime nor composite? Answer is ONE

What are examples of median in math?

Median in math means like the middle number in a set of data for example;2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18, 10 is the middle number in the set of data because u cross them out one by one and u get your middle number.

What country uses math the most?

There's no country that does more math. Math is everywhere. From cooking, to drawing, even to playing a simple game of pool. Math is everywhere.

What is a prim number math?

A positive integer with only two factors: one and the number itself.