There is no single country which is best in mathematics. Some countries are good at training their children to be good at arithmetical processing: that is, good at mental maths. But that does not necessarily make them any good at solving any of the great problems in mathematics. Other countries are not so good training the general population but those who are mathematically gifted are encouraged reach their potential. And then, there are countries (the UK, for example) where being poor at maths is considered a badge of honour! But even these countries manage to churn out ground-breaking mathematicians.
what is the best slogan in uniting the nation through mathematics science and technology? what is the best slogan in uniting the nation through mathematics science and technology? what is the best slogan in uniting the nation through mathematics science and technology?
Just do your best:)
Columbia. Taken from TIME magazines results.
No, although it is certainly the best friend of many.
The Gatton Academy of Mathematics and Science in Kentucky has the best academic program for studying mathematics in Kentucky. It is considered one of the best high schools in the country.
What best way to teach mathematics
what is the best slogan in uniting the nation through mathematics science and technology? what is the best slogan in uniting the nation through mathematics science and technology? what is the best slogan in uniting the nation through mathematics science and technology?
me me
Just do your best:)
accounting is general mathematics which improve your calculations and makes you a expert in mathematicx. So to be perfect in mathematics you have to make your account best than your mathematics.
Discrete mathematics is used in business and is sometimes called the the mathematics of computers. Discret mathematics is used to optimize finite systems and answer questions like "What is the best route to the Natural History Musemum?"
Pythagoras and Euclid were best known for their work in mathematics.