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Q: What creates a two dimensional image?
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What technique creates a three dimensional dynamic image of blood vessels

How are Mirror image and hologram different?

A hologram is a three-dimensional image, whereas a mirror image is two-dimensional.

What s the difference between two and three dimensional art?

Two dimensional (2D) art could be a painting, or flat image. Three dimensional (3D) art could be a statue, or embossed (raised) image.

What stereomicscope which has two eye pieces creates a what image?

the answer is compound image

What is an autostereogram?

An autostereogram is a 3D image that appears to have depth when viewed in a specific way. It is created using a technique called stereopsis, where each eye perceives a slightly different image that, when combined by the brain, creates the illusion of depth.

How are a mirror image and hologram different?

A mirror image is a reflection of an object's surface, while a hologram is a three-dimensional image produced by interference patterns of light. Mirror images appear two-dimensional and can't be seen from different angles, whereas holograms can be viewed in 3D and change perspective when viewed from different angles.

What are holography?

Holography is a technique that creates a three-dimensional image by recording the interference pattern of light scattered off an object. Unlike traditional photography that captures a two-dimensional representation, holography allows for a more realistic and detailed image that changes as the viewpoint changes. It is used in various fields such as art, security, and research.

What kind of image does a stereomicroscope create?

A stereomicroscope creates a three-dimensional image with a wide field of view and good depth perception. It is used for observing larger objects at low magnification levels with reflected or transmitted light.

How many faces are there on a square?

One. A square is a two dimensional image.

What does image mean?

IMAGE! image means that it is a image of something or some one and it has been put into an image.

The phrase grip of steel creates an image of?

It creates the image of an inescapable grasp.

What is the three dimensional image produced by laser light?

the three-dimensional image produced by laser light is a hologram