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Q: What cross section could be used as evidence that over time a circular shellfish descended from a hexagonal shellfish?
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What is quantitative evidence?

Quantitive evidence is evidence that has to do with numbers. For example. the magnitude of an earthquake the time the earthquake occurred and the length of the earthquake are all types of quantitive evidence

What word means a piece of evidence that helps solve a problem?


What is the wind of the Holy Spirit in the Bible?

AnswerThe New Testament was written for an audience that needed some sort of proof, even if that proof need only be unsophisticated by today's standards. So, the Holy Spirit never worked silently and invisibly, as presumably he could have, but descended as a dove (the baptism of Jesus) or as a wind or as tongues of flame (pentecost). It is the necessary evidence that the Holy Spirit was really there in person.

Does physical evidence have greater value than eyewitness in court?

Evidence and witnesses are only as good as the lawyers questioning them or presenting evidence. Both can be reliable or found unreliable.

Is Christianity circular reasoning?

Another answer from our community:Christianity in essence does not give in any evidence of circular reasoning. It is based on the fact that Jesus who is the son of God died 2000 years ago for the sin of humanity. This was Gods purpose to show humanity His deep love. Read John 3:16. This same love leads to forgiveness from God, for everyone who believes and repent. Read Romans 10:9. Since we are all sinners, someone had to pay for our sins or else there is no way to have a relationship with God. Jesus paid for that penalty. For all of us.Jesus's goal was to bridge the relationship gap between man and God. It is about a relationship with God through Jesus.

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Which cross section could be used as evidence that over time a circular shellfish descended from a hexagonal shellfish?


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Cut X. Studyisland ask the weirdest shiit in the world.

Which cut would be possible evidence that a circular shellfish evolved from a hexagonal shellfish?

Cut W STUDYISLAND IS A BITCHH. -Story of a kid in mooresville high school.

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Yes, mitochondria have a small circular strand of DNA. This DNA encodes some of the genes necessary for the mitochondria to produce energy through a process called cellular respiration.

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Genetic evidence shows that Neanderthals and Cro-Magnon people shared a common ancestor, but Cro-Magnon individuals did not directly descend from Neanderthals. Fossils also indicate that both groups coexisted but remained genetically distinct. Additionally, archaeological findings suggest that Cro-Magnon culture was more advanced than Neanderthal culture, pointing to separate evolutionary paths.

Darwins opinion that living forms must be descended from extinct forms?

It was based on fossil evidence

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Learn how to spell Two and I'll answers this.

A photograph showing circular star trails is evidence that the earth?

You're mom you f@gg0t

What is fallacy circular reasoning?

Circular reasoning, also known as begging the question, is a logical fallacy where the conclusion of an argument is essentially the same as the premise. This creates a situation where no evidence is provided to support the conclusion, as the conclusion is assumed to be true from the beginning. It is a weak form of reasoning as it fails to provide any new information or evidence to support the point being made.

What is an example of circular explanation?

An example of a circular explanation is saying "I know I'm right because I'm always right." It is a fallacy because it doesn't provide any real evidence or logic to support the claim of being right.

Did you evolve from apes?

No, humans descended from ape-like ancestors. Evidence suggests that the human line split from the first gorillas around four to eight million years ago.

Is the following sentence true or false homologous structures provide strong evidence that all four limbed vertebrates have descended with modifications from common ancestors?

True, they descend from a common ancestor.