100 days before the 1st of May is the 21st of January in a normal year and the 22nd of January in a leap year. 100 days after the 1st of May is the 9th of August.
Well there are 24 hours in a day and you're talking about 100 days, so 24 (hours) x 100 (days) = 2400.
As of the date this question was asked, August 12, 2010, the date 81 days from this day will be November 1, 2010.
it's 100...
Including the start and end date, there were 243 days between January 1 and September 1 2009.
100 days after Feb. 1 is May 11 in leap years and May 12 in regular years.
As of today's date, August 17, 2010, there are 257 days until May 1, 2011.
In any given year, the date 100 days before February 1 is October 24 of the previous year.
5th of June 2012.
29 August 2010 Beat Suess
Joseph has two feast days: March 19 and May 1.
To determine the date that is 1 million days after the start of the millennium, we first need to establish the start date of the millennium. The millennium began on January 1, 2001, as the 21st century began on January 1, 2001, not 2000. Adding 1 million days to January 1, 2001, we can calculate the date by dividing 1 million by 365 (days in a year) to determine the number of years, then the remaining days. This calculation would bring us to September 26, 2728.
100 hours = 4 1/6 days
1 denari= 1 days wage 100 denari = 100 days wages
100 hours = 4 1/6 days
He has two feast days - March 19 and May 1.