Today is Sunday 4 April 2010. 75 weeks from now, the date will be Sunday 11 September 2011.
Expressed in word form, this is equal to seven point seven five.
To write 6.875 in words, you would say "six and eight hundred seventy-five thousandths." This breaks down as follows: 6 is "six," 0.8 is "eight tenths," and 0.075 is "seventy-five thousandths." So when combined, it is "six and eight hundred seventy-five thousandths."
As 72 = 24 + 24 + 24 then just add three days. For example 12:53 in afternoon on Tuesday 1st March will in 72 hours be 12:53 in afternoon on Friday 4th March.
none - we are in 2012 now
As a mixed number it is 78 and 3/100 in Arabic numbers which is the numeracy system that we now use today.
She is still alive, and is right now at the age of seventy-five.
Expressed in word form, this is equal to seven point seven five.
if u are 20 weeks lmp you got pregnant 18 weeks ago so count back 18 weeks but if u want a date u need to give due date or lmp
To write 6.875 in words, you would say "six and eight hundred seventy-five thousandths." This breaks down as follows: 6 is "six," 0.8 is "eight tenths," and 0.075 is "seventy-five thousandths." So when combined, it is "six and eight hundred seventy-five thousandths."
Seventy five is 75, a numerical value written in words. seventy five is a giant poop 75 feet long that came out of a special person named... Patrick Rickerson. It was truley a record.. On July 4th 1810 Partick rickerson ate too much stuff and was holding in his poop. because of that... he took a giant poop that took up less then a quarter of his street. of course it hurt.. Patrick's buutt was hurting for days... people now respect him.. And people don't know this but we do selebrate a holiday on July 4th now..
well i read a book and we have pictures from sientist who went under water in a sumbarine
He is seventy eight now!
"Seventy-five Years of Marriage for the Diamond Anniversary". This was the traditional number; now it is more common to see the diamond anniversary celebrated after 60 years.
So you got your period within four to five weeks of your last one. That is very typical.
No as of now the release date is September 1 but things can change.
Since it is now 2013, this is probably a moot question.
Five So Far. Date Posted: April 11, 2013