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Q: What dating technique would yield a result that might read 2.25 million years before present plus or minus 50000 years?
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What is radiometeric dating?

Radiometeric dating is a technique to date geological materials like rocks etc by determining the relative proportions of particular radioactive isotopes present in a sample.

Is fission track dating reliable?

negative hombre. "The usefulness of this as a dating technique stems from the tendency of some materials to lose their fission-track records when heated, thus producing samples that contain fission-tracks produced since they last cooled down. The useful age range of this technique is thought to range from 100 years to 100 million years before present (BP), although error estimates are difficult to assess and rarely given. Generally it is thought to be most useful for dating in the window between 30,000 and 100,000 years BP." I took this quote from the above website and it is in no way my work or information. But its pretty darn reliable.

Where did Paleolithic lived?

At the beginning of the Paleolithic, hominids were found primarily in eastern Africa, east of the Great Rift Valley. Most known hominid fossils dating earlier than one million years before present are found in this area, particularly in Kenya,Tanzania, and Ethiopia. By 1.5-2 million years before present, groups of hominids began leaving Africa and settling southern Europe and Asia.

What is the technique in which natural laws govern the way geologists determine the age of rock deposits?

Geologists use the technique of radiometric dating to determine the age of rock deposits. This method relies on the natural decay of radioactive isotopes within the rocks to calculate their age based on the ratio of parent isotopes to daughter isotopes present in the sample.

What type of fossil dating uses half life to determine age?

Radiocarbon dating is a technique that uses the decay of carbon-14.

Which dating technique would be best for a volcanic rock containing uranium?

Uranium-lead dating would be the best technique for dating volcanic rock containing uranium. This method is commonly used for dating ancient rocks due to the long half-lives of uranium isotopes and the presence of lead isotopes as decay products that allow for precise age determination.

What kind of dating is Carbon-14 an example of?

Carbon-14 is an example of radioactive dating.

Who developed the technique of dendrochronology or tree ring dating?

Answer: A.E. Douglas

Is Tom Daley dating?

Tom is not dating at present as he is still concentrating on his career.

What is radiometeic dating?

Radiometric dating is a technique that detects the presence and abundance of radioactive isotopes and is used to give approximate ages of materials. One common form is carbon dating.

What BP date corresponds to 2450 BCE?

The BP (Before Present) dating system is based on the year 1950 as the present. Therefore, 2450 BCE in BP dates corresponds to approximately 4450 BP.

What does it mean when a guy friend gives you a valentine present and you are not dating?

If a guy gives you a valentine present and youa re not dating it might mean that he is interested in you!