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Q: What day in the week has the least crime?
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What day of the week has least amount of birthdays?

The day of the week that has the least amount of births is Sunday. The day of the week with the most amount of births is Tuesday. Of course each year the day of the week that their birthdays fall on will change.

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Monday is the least popular day for going places for everyone.

What day of the week has the least truck traffic?

Think Saturday

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Love is not confined to a single day of the week on which you were born - nor a month, star sign, week, month or year.

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The LEAST penalty for a felony crime would be one year and one day in prison.

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The average yearly salary for a crime scene investigator in 2011 was $55,660. Of course, the salary will vary with experience and job location. The yearly salary for crime scene investigators in the United States ranges from $32,760 to $84,980.

How much work did the medieval peasants do?

they worked 12 to 14 hours a day, at least 6 days a week. Many had work to do every day of the week.

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lots of water only take in 1500 calories a day exercise at least 1 hour a day 5 days a week.

What day of the week experiences the least amount of air travel?

hello sir i am imran