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Q: What day is only 17 hours and 14 minutes its year is 84 earth years?
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How long is saturns day?

A day in Saturn is 10 hours and 40 minutes just in one day while it rbits the sun

How many years is 5832 hours on earth?

this is only about 8 months

Why is the distace between earth and the sun measured in light minutes and the distance between neptune and the sun measured in light hours?

Because it only takes 8 minutes for sunlight to reach Earth, but it takes 4 hours to reach Neptune.

How long is a day in Mars in Earth hours?

A day on Mars, or a "sol," is about 24 hours and 37 minutes in Earth hours. This is because Mars rotates on its axis at a slightly slower rate compared to Earth.

Which planet has a shorter rotation time Earth or Mars How many hours and minutes less?

The Earth rotates once in about 24 hours with respect to the sun and once every 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds with respect to the stars (see below). Mars rotation is 24 hours, 39 minutes, and 35 seconds if you are interested in the solar day or 24 hours, 37 minutes and 22 seconds for the sidereal day. Since the planet only rotates about 40 minutes slower than Earth, this is one category where the two planets are not very different.

What is the length of a year an day on neptune in earth years?

Each day on Neptune takes 19.1 Earth hours. A year on Neptune takes 164.8 Earth years; it takes almost 165 Earth years for Neptune to orbit the sun once. Since Neptune was discovered in 1846, it has not yet completed a single revolution around the sun.

Which is longer a day on Earth or a day on Uranus?

An "Earth day" is longer than a day on Uranus. A day on Uranus is only about 17 hours and 14 minutes long.

How long is day in mars?

The Martian day is only slightly longer than one on Earth, at 24 hours and 39 minutes.

How long does it take uranes to spin once?

It takes 84 years, or 30,687 days, for Uranus to complete one revolution around the sun. Not including Pluto (which is considered a dwarf planet, and not one of the major planets of the solar system) Uranus has the next to longest revolution period. The only planet that takes longer is Neptune.

What defines one earth day?

24 hours, or a rotation of the Earth, depending on how you look at it. Edit: The Earth actually takes only about 23 hours and 56 minutes to rotate once. But the Earth is also orbiting the Sun. The extra 4 minutes are needed to allow for the effect of the Earth's orbiting on the apparent position of the Sun in the sky. In fact 24 hours is called a "solar day", whilst the rotation time is a "sidereal day".

How many hours does it take light to get to the Earth from the Sun?

It only takes sunlight about 8.3 minutes (0.138 hours) to travel the 150 million kilometers from the Sun to Earth, traveling at almost 300,000 kilometers per second.

How may time does the earth spin completely around its axis in twenty four hours?

One time. It takes a full year for the Earth to revolve around the sun, but it takes Earth only one day to rotate on its axis. The actual time it takes the earth to rotate is 23 hours and 56 minutes. That is why we have an extra day every four years, known as leap year. But yes one rotation is known as a day or 24 hours officially.