The twenty-eighth complete week in the year 2011 started on Monday July 11, and finishes on Sunday July 17.
November 11, 2011, is a Friday.
February 11 1971 was on a Thursday.
It was a Wednesday.
The first landing on the moon, by Apollo 11, was on Sunday, July 20, 1969.
July 11th, 1969 fell on a Friday.
Apollo 11 was launched on July 16, 1969.
July 11 1950 was a Tuesday.
July 11 1961 was a Tuesday.
July 11 2010 was a Sunday.
July 11, 1936 was a Saturday.
July 11 1972 was on a Tuesday.
July 11, 1982 was a Sunday.
July 11, 2001 was on a Wednesday.
If you were born on July 11, 1962 ! you were born on a Wednesday, the middle of the week!! great day in America!....