27th April 1943 was a Tuesday.
It was the 117th day and on the 17th week that year.
Sunrise: 5:06 AM
Sundown: 6:49 PM
Duration of Sunlight: 13 hours and 43 minutes
Phase of Moon: Third Quarter
27th April 1987 was a Monday. Any other questions - please post on my message board and i hope i can answer! By Cakerus
October 27, 1976 fell on a Wednesday.
February 27, 1971, was a Saturday.
The day of the week April 18,2007 occured was on Thursday.
April 27th 1971 was a Tuesday.
April 27th, 1979 fell on a Friday.
April 27th, 1948 fell on a Tuesday.
April 27th, 1982 fell on a Tuesday.
April 16 1943 was on a Friday.
April 3, 1943 was a Saturday.
April 24 1943 was a Saturday.
April 3 1943 was a Saturday.
April 27th 2004 was a Tuesday.
April 22, 1943 fell on a Thursday.