November 4th, 1979 was on a Sunday.
May 4, 1972 fell on a Thursday.
May 12 1984 was on a Saturday. For any date in the 1900s, you can figure out the day of the week in 4 steps: • Month #: (in order, the month #s are: 1 4 4 0 2 5 0 3 6 1 4 6) May => 2 • Date #: 12÷7=1 with a remainder of 5 12th => 5 • Year #: 84÷7=12 with a remainder of 0 '84 => 0 • Leap Year #: 84÷4=21, 21÷7=3 with a remainder of 0 '84 => 0 Finally, divide the sum of all (4) numbers by 7: the remainder is the day o the week 7 ÷ 7 = 1, with a remainder of 0, or the day before the first day of the week Sun = 1st day of the week, so this day (5.12.84) was Saturday.
It was a Sunday.
4 February 1979 was a Sunday.
November 4th, 1979 was on a Sunday.
August 4th, 1979 was a Saturday.
4 May 1984 was a Friday and the end of the week of working.
May 4 1965 was on a Tuesday.
May 4 1999 was on a Tuesday.
May 4 2010 was a Tuesday.
May 4, 1953 was a Monday.
May 4, 1949 was a Wednesday.