In a regular year, the 88th day of the year is March 29. In a leap year, the 88th day of the year is March 28.
In a non-leap year, the 144th day of the year is May 24. In a leap year, the 144th day of the year is May 23.
In a non-leap year, the 184th day of the year is July 3. In a leap year, the 184th day of the year is July 2.
The 256th day of a leap year is the 12th of September. The 256th day of a regular year is the 13th of September.
day, month and year
It is definitley grandparents' day!
National Grandparents Day would be celebrated every year on the first Sunday after Labor Day.In 2009, Grandparents Day falls on Sept. 13th.
grandparents day
Grandparents Day, this year, was on Sept. 12, 2010.
Grandparents did :)
No, there is no apostrophe after the 's' in "Grandparents Day." The term is already possessive with the 's' indicating that the day is dedicated to all grandparents.
No, April 5 is not Grandparents Day; this year, is it September 11. Interestingly enough, Grandparents Day was not an official holiday until 1977, when Senator Jennings Randolph introduced a Joint Resolution, which suggested that the first Sunday of September after Labour Day of each year would be "National Grandparents Day". It was passed by the Congress and signed by President Jimmy Carter on August 3, 1978. Since then, it has been a national holiday, with the official flower of the day being the forget-me-not and the official song being "A Song for Grandma and Grandpa" by Johnny Prill.
In 2010, Grandparents day will be celebrated the 12th of September.
Anyday you freak
To respect and honor our grandparents! I Love you lita and lito!
National Grandparents Day, in the United States, in 2010 will fall on Sunday September 12.
Grandparent's Day