Friday, January 14th 2000, it was on a Friday.
January 14th, 1993 fell on a Thursday. The following year, it fell on a Friday.
If you were born January 14, 1998 you would be 12 years old.
January is month #1. It's the first month of the year. So for example, by the American convention, the 14th day of January, in the year 2013, can be written as 1-14-13. By the British convention, the same day is 14-1-13.
September 14th, 1982 was a Tuesday.
August 14th 1947 was a Thursday.
June 14th, 1947 fell on a Saturday.
January 14th, 1900 was a Sunday.
14th, April, 1947, was a Monday.
January 14th, 1928 fell on a Saturday.
14th August 1947
14th August 1947
It was a Tuesday.
independence day pf PakistanIt was a Thursday.
August 14th, 1947 fell on a Thursday.
It was a Friday.