June 21 is the 172nd day of the year 193 days remaining until the end of the year.
June 21, 1968, was a Friday.
On June 20th of 1968, the day was Thursday :)
June 21 2000 was a Wednesday.
June 21, 1967 fell on a Wednesday.
North - 21 or 22 December. South - 21 or 22 June.
June 21, 1968 fell on a Friday.
On June 20th of 1968, the day was Thursday :)
June, 9th, 1968, was a Sunday.
June 6, 1968 was a Thursday.
June 12, 1968 was a Wednesday.
June 27, 1968 fell on a Thursday.
June 1st 1968 was a Saturday
the 13th of June in 1968 was on a Thursday
June 25 1968 was a Tuesday.
=4th JUNE 1968 was on a Tuesday. FACT!!!!=
June 26, 1968 was a Wednesday.
June 24, 1968 fell on a Monday.