As the question was asked on 25 June 2010, 336 days later was 27 May 2011 which was a Friday.
24 hours = 1 day 336 hours/24 = 14 days
336 hours equals 14 days @24 hours per day.
336 days is 48 weeks.
14 days is 336 hours @24 hours per day.
336 days / 7 days per week = 48 weeks
24 hours = 1 day 336 hours/24 = 14 days
336 hours equals 14 days @24 hours per day.
336 days are in between today and November 19th, 2011.
24 hours = 1 day so 336 hours / 24 = 14 days 7 days = 1 week so 14 days = 2 weeks
There are 48 week in 336 days
336 days is 48 weeks.
14 days is 336 hours @24 hours per day.
Today is Sunday. Monday is the day before two days after today (the day before tomorrow). Monday is the day before Tuesday. Two days after today is Tuesday.
365 days from today will fall on the same day of the week as today, so the day will be the same day 2 days ago, which was Sunday.
Friday. The day before yesterday (WED) was two days after Monday.
336 days / 7 days per week = 48 weeks
336/7 = 48 weeks