by their nature the days of the week by name are neither even or odd. The numerical day of the month a day falls on can be either even or odd. Note that a month with 31 days will have an odd day at the end of month followed immediately by another odd day. This never happens for even days.
The parity (odd or even) of days depends on the number of days in a month - not the number of days in a week.
365 total days in a year/2= 183 odd days.
There is an average of 18624.25 odd-numbered days in 100 years.
There are 31 days in 7 months with 16 odd There are 30 days in 4 months with 15 odd There are 28 days in 1 months with 14 odd That is each year 7 x 16 + 4 x 15 + 1 * 14 = 186 odd days in 300 years that is 300 x 186 = 55,800 add 300/4 = 75 days for Leap year (Feb29) and that is 55800 + 75 = 55,875 odd days except every 100 years there is no leap year so subtract 3 Total = 55,872 odd days
7 days in a week
The parity (odd or even) of days depends on the number of days in a month - not the number of days in a week.
There are 7 days in a week, making 4 odd and 3 even. 1.Sunday 2.Monday 3.Tuesday 4.Wednesday 5.Thursday 6.Friday 7.Saturday Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday are odd days.
Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
' ODD ' numbers. In a Day, there are 6 ODD hours. In a Week, there are 4 ODD days. In a Month, there are 2 ODD weeks. In a Year (12 months), there is 1 ODD number. By Jana
6 odd days
1 ordinary year = 365 days= (52weeks + 1day) An ordinary year has 1 odd day 1 Leap year =366 days= (52weeks + 2days) A leap year has 2 odd days 100 years= 76 ordinary years + 24 leap years = [(76x52)weeks + 76days] + [(24x52)weeks + 48 days) =5200weeks + 124days =(5217weeks + 5days) Number of odd days in 1600 years: 0 Number of odd days in 300 years: 2 days Number of odd days in 70 years: 9 leap years+ 60 ordinary years 9*2+60*1=18+60=78 odd days(11 weeks+1 odd day) Number of Odd days from 1st Jan,1970 to June 7th 1970:(1+1+5=7)which Implies 0 odd days A/c to the table It was sunday
i think monday wednsday friday are odd
365 total days in a year/2= 183 odd days.
In a day we have 6 odd hours,in a week there r 4 odd days,in a month there r 2 odd weeks n these appear once in a yr
the "TECHNICAL" answer to that question is one week week, three days and 12 hours or ten days and 12 hours, but most people just say that for example "it is a week and a half until my birthday" meaning ten or eleven days. a week being and odd number of days makes people unsure and they just say ten or eleven days without bothering to work it out for themselves unless they are math magicians
There is an average of 18624.25 odd-numbered days in 100 years.
Both "what days of the week" and "which days of the week" are correct; however, "which days of the week" is typically used when the choices are limited, while "what days of the week" is more open-ended.