146 is an integer and so cannot be expressed as a decimal fraction.
.15 decimal is equal to fraction 15/100 or 3/20.
-1.46 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its rational equivalent is -146/100 which can be simplified. But simplification means that you lose information about the precision of the fraction.
29.2 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction, and it is in its simplest form. Its equivalent, in rational form, is 292/10 which simplifies to 146/5.
0.875 is the decimal equal to the fraction 7/8.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 25/100 is equal to 0.25.
Percent means "out of 100" → 146 % = 146/100 = 73/50 = 123/50 → 146 % = 146/100 = 146 ÷ 100 = 1.46
.15 decimal is equal to fraction 15/100 or 3/20.
-1.46 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its rational equivalent is -146/100 which can be simplified. But simplification means that you lose information about the precision of the fraction.
0.33 is equal to 33/100 as a fraction.
0.25, a decimal, is equal to 1/4 as a fraction.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 5/8 is equal to 0.625.
29.2 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction, and it is in its simplest form. Its equivalent, in rational form, is 292/10 which simplifies to 146/5.
0.875 is the decimal equal to the fraction 7/8.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 25/100 is equal to 0.25.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, this is equal to 0.002.
1.46 = 146/100 = 73/50 = 123/50
Expressed as a percentage, 1.46 is equal to 146 percent.