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Q: What decimal part of a week is 15 hours?
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What is 2 hours and15 minutes written as a decimal?

It is: 2 hours and 15 minutes = 2.25 hours as a decimal

What is the decimal form of 26 hours and 15 minuntes?

26 15/60 hours = 26.25 hours

What is 1 hour and 15 miniutes as a decimal?

As a decimal it is 1.25 hours

How do you write 3 hours and 15 minutes as decimal?

3.25 hours

What is 2 hours 15 min in decimal form?

2.25 hours

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How would you write in decimal 2 hours and 15 minutes?

2.25 hours.

How do you write 5 hours and 15 minutes in decimal form?

5.25 hours

What is 2 hrs and 15 minutes as a decimal?

2.25 hours

How many part time hours does a bag boy work if only works part time?

Most part time jobs are 15 to 20 hours a week since 40 would be considered full time.

What decimal part of 15 is 3?


Calculate the FTE's for the following staffing plan: 30 employees working full-time, 8 employees working 15 hours per week, 7 employees working 6 hours per week. Show your calculations. Round to one decimal point?
