

Best Answer

0.85, here's how:

  • 1/2 = 0.50
  • 1/4 = 0.25
  • 1/10 = 0.10

Add them together to get 0.85 You could also convert the fractions to common denominators first, to get 10/20 + 5/20 + 2/20 = 17/20, then convert that to get the same decimal (0.85).

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Q: What decimal part of a whole is one half plus one fourth plus one tenth?
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What decimal part of a whole is one half plus one-fourth plus one tenth?

That equals 0.85 of a whole, 0.50 + 0.25 + 0.10.

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What is one half plus one-fourth in decimal form?

It is: 0.75

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Three forths as a decimal?

one fourth is a quarter (1/4) which is decimal 0.25 two fourths is a half (2/4 = 1/2) which is decimal 0.50 three fourths is three quarters (3/4) which is decimal 0.75 four fourths is one whole (4/4 = 1/1) which is decimal 1.00

What is the number that is one-tenth of one-fourth of one fifth of one-half of 12000?

one-tenth of one-fourth of one fifth of one-half of 12000 = 30 1/10 * 1/4 * 1/5 * 1/2 * 12000 = 12000/400 = 30

How do you measure one fourth?

One fourth means fourth part of an unit, it can be measure as 1/4

What is 0.0135 a decimal of?

0.0135 is the decimal - and a decimal and a fraction is simply parts of the whole of something. For instance: 1.0 and 1/100 means that there is a whole, while 0.50 and 1/50 means half of the whole.

How do you write one half into a decimal?

1/2 = .5 1/2 is a half a whole, and one whole number is 1. so half is 0.5

What is 2 and 1 fourth minus one and one half?

It is three fourths or 0.75 in decimal.

The difference between a decimal and a whole number?

a decimal is part of a whole number e.g. 0.5 is half a whole numbera whole number is just a normal number e.g. 1, 2, 5, 8, 14, 56 etc. A whole number is on the left side of the dot and the decimal is on the right.Example: whole number decimal decimal number 43 . 684