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A fever is a temporary increase in your body temperature, often due to an illness. Having a fever is a sign that something out of the ordinary is going on in your body. For an adult, a fever may be uncomfortable, but usually isn't a cause for concern unless it reaches 103 F (39.4 C) or higher.

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Q: What degree Fahrenheit is a danger zone?
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What is the temperature above which hot food should be stored?

The danger zone is between 41-140 Fahrenheit, but around 165 Fahrenheit is the best

Your facility is in process of receiving some refrigerated foods how can you verify that they are below the danger zone of 41 Fahrenheit?

If your facility is in process of receiving some refrigerated foods, you can verify that they are below the danger zone of 41 Fahrenheit by taking the internal temperature of the deliver truck storage area.

What is the danger zone of and adult fever?

There is not a specific danger zone for a fever in an adult. A fever for an adult is consider to be 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. If it reaches102 or higher and does not respond to fever reducing medication, medical attention is needed.

What does the phrase 'danger zone' define in the food industry?

The danger zone of food is anything within the temperature of 5 and 65 degrees Celsius. anything within this range will start the growth of bacteria and send the product off. ====================================================== In the United States, the temperature danger zone is from 41 degrees Fahrenheit to 135 degrees Fahrenheit. In recent years, FDA dropped the upper limit 5 degrees from 140 F since scientific data showed pathogens would not be an issue. This is the temperature range that pathogens can grow rapidly to dangerous levels.

What happens to bacteria in the danger zone?

The danger zone is a range of temperatures at which most pathogenic bacteria (such as E. coli, Salmonella and Campylobacter) will multiply rapidly at. Raw foods with internal temperatures in the danger zone may become unsafe to eat within two hours due to increased numbers of these bacteria.

What is the difference of degree Fahrenheit and Fahrenheit degree?

No difference.

What is the danger zone as defined in the food handler manual?

The danger zone in food safety refers to temperatures between 41°F (5°C) and 135°F (57°C) where bacteria can grow rapidly in perishable foods. It is important to keep food out of this temperature range to prevent foodborne illness.

What is a Celsius degree in comparison to a Fahrenheit degree?

A Celcius degree is 1.8 times as large as a Fahrenheit degree.

What is 54Rankin in Fahrenheit?

54 degree Rankine = -405.67 degree Fahrenheit.

Is -12 degree Fahrenheit warmer than -3 degree Fahrenheit?

No, it is not.

What is 38.1c in Fahrenheit?

38.1 degree Celsius = 100.58 degree Fahrenheit.

When was Danger Zone - song - created?

Danger Zone - song - was created on 1986-05-13.