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Q: What degree does a rhombus have?
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What are the different names of rhombus?

A rhombus may be a square or just a rhombus (a rhombus is merely called a rhombus when there are no 90 degree angles).

What is a non-squared rhombus?

it is a rhombus whose angles are not 90 degree unlike the square

Can Rhombus have 90 degree angle?

No not normally.

Can rhombus has all angles 90 degree?


Can a rhombus have 4 90 degree angles?

Yes since a square is a type of rhombus by definition, and it has four ninty degree angles, we have an example.

What is the term for a quadrangle with all sides equal and no 90 degree angles?

A quadrangle with all sides equal and no 90 degree angles is a rhombus

Is all rhombus a square?

A rhombus is not a square because it does not have four 90 degree angles, however a rhombus does have four equal sides. A rhombus is also known as a diamond.

What is the degree of rhombus?

An angle in a rhombus can be any value less than 180 degrees. However, if the angle is 90 degrees, the rhombus becomes a square.

Are all parrarellogram 360 degree?

Are all parrallograms 360 degree? Are all rhombus 360 degree too?

Can a square be a rhombus?

Yes, a square is a rhombus. It's just a specialized form or rhombus. Use the link to the Math Forum web site where this question is explained.No never. A square has four equal length sides and 90 degree angles in every corner. A rhombus has equal length sides, but they are not 90 degree angles

Do squares have attributes of a rhombus?

Yes, a square has all the attributes of a rhombus because a square is a rhombus. It is merely a special case of a rhombus with eall equal sides and all 90 degree angles.

Which quadrilateral has 180 degree but not 90 degree rotational symmetry?

rectangles and rhombii (plural of rhombus)