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Well, you see, when Hitler came to power in Germany, population pyramids went down, when Hitler killed all the Jews they all fell down, so there are no longer population pyramids, they are but a mere figment of everybody's imagination. If you believe this is real, and your teacher possibly asked you this, you both may be Paranoid Schizophrenics. But if you absolutely need an answer, the answer is Genocide, and the swastika.

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Q: What demographic features help to shape a population pyramid?
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Characteristics of a population pyramid?

A population pyramid is a graphical representation of a population's age and gender structure. It typically consists of two bar charts, one representing males and the other representing females, with age groups displayed on the horizontal axis and population size on the vertical axis. The shape of the population pyramid can provide insights into the population's dynamics, such as birth rates, life expectancy, and demographic trends.

The shape of a country's population pyramid is determined by its?

The shape of a country's population pyramid is primarily determined by its birth and death rates, as well as its level of development and healthcare services. A pyramid with a wide base typically indicates high birth rates and a young population, while a more uniform shape suggests a more balanced distribution of age groups. Economic factors, such as employment opportunities and social policies, also influence the shape of a population pyramid.

What affects the shape of the population pyramid?

You do ithat by doing bad things

Is pyramid a polygon?

No it is not a polygon, simply because it is a 3D shape. Yes it has all the other features but it is a 2D shape which is not one of a polygon's features.

A population pyramid might not always take shape of a pyramids true or false?


Is a pyramid a 2D shape or a 3D shape?

a pyramid is a 3D shape :)

How many spheres are in a pyramid?

A Pyramid is a shape called a pyramid, there are no spheres in a triangulare shape.

What shape is the Walsh's pyamid?

the Walsh's pyramid are in a pyramid shape

What pyramid was the first attempt at the classic pyramid shape?

a shape

Is a pyramid 2d shape?

No. A pyramid is a three-dimensional shape.

What does a pyramid shape look like?

A pyramid shape looks lyke a pyramid

Possible effects of population pyramid?

Population pyramids can provide insights into a country's demographic trends, such as population growth rate, age distribution, and potential workforce size. They can also reveal social issues like aging populations, which may strain healthcare systems or social security. Lastly, population pyramids can help in forecasting future economic and social challenges, enabling better policy planning and resource allocation.