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Genes because I had that homework in online health and it is the only thing that makes since, and since I'm answereing this I'm assuming it's to late for you antway meaning you must be really dumb to ask a question for something you won't be able to get in time think things out smart one

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Q: What determine 70 percent of your body weight and shape?
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Related questions

Does emotions make up 70 percent of your body weight and shape?

No, emotions do not take any weight or shape. They are thought of virtual feelings which has mass less.

Does weight-bearing on a fracture mean percent of body weight or percent of time?

body weight

Do proteins makes up 90 percent of your body weight?

No, proteins do not make up 90 percent of your body weight. Water makes up 90 percent of your body weight.

Which has less percent of body weight-- a fish or an elephant?

an elephant has less percent of body weight because it distributes the weight more evenly resulting in a smaller amount of body weight <^>

How do I determine my body weight index?

Your body weight index is determined by your height and weight. I have attached a link to website that will provide you with a calculator to determine your body weight index:

How much is 14.25kg of body weight?

In percent? 14.25/ weight of body *100.

What percent of your body is water 50 percent 60 percent 70 percent?

AnswersOn average, 60 percent of your body weight

Anorexics have what percent body weight of normal weight?

It varies per individual. Almost always anorexics will have a noticeably less percent of body fat or weight from body fat that a "normal" or "average" weight person.

What is the percent of body weight the skeleton is?


What is 40 percent of your body weight?

it depends

The majority of your body weight is water?

The human body is 61.8 percent water by weight. Protein accounts for 16.6 percent; fat, 14.9 percent; and nitrogen, 3.3 percent of human body weight. Other elements constitute smaller percentages of body weight.Source: Rovin, Jeff. Laws of Order, p. 108.

Percentage of leg weight to body weight?

Google [ leg weight percent ] gives me a page on, which says each leg is 10 percent. But it also gives a previous answer here on WikiAnswers of 14 percent, which agrees with an answer of 15.7% on Ask an Anatomist.