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The quadratic equation is: Ax2+ Bx + C = 0

-- The equation always has two solutions. They are

x = 1/2A [ - B + sqrt(B2 - 4AC) ]

x = 1/2A [ - B - sqrt(B2 - 4AC) ] .

-- The solutions are real if ( B2 > or = 4AC ).

-- The solutions are equal if ( B2 = 4AC ).

-- The solutions are complex conjugates if ( B2 < 4AC ).

-- The solutions are pure imaginary if ( B = 0 ) & (4AC>0 i.e. -4AC<0).

(I think that pretty well covers it.)

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Q: What determine how many solutions a quadratic equation will have and whether they are real or imaginary?
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How can you determine whether a polynomial equation has imaginary solutions?

To determine whether a polynomial equation has imaginary solutions, you must first identify what type of equation it is. If it is a quadratic equation, you can use the quadratic formula to solve for the solutions. If the equation is a cubic or higher order polynomial, you can use the Rational Root Theorem to determine if there are any imaginary solutions. The Rational Root Theorem states that if a polynomial equation has rational solutions, they must be a factor of the constant term divided by a factor of the leading coefficient. If there are no rational solutions, then the equation has imaginary solutions. To use the Rational Root Theorem, first list out all the possible rational solutions. Then, plug each possible rational solution into the equation and see if it is a solution. If there are any solutions, then the equation has imaginary solutions. If not, then there are no imaginary solutions.

The discriminant determines how many solutions a quadratic equation will have and whether they are real or?


The determines how many solutions a quadratic equation will have and whether they are real or imaginary?


A quadratic equation can't have one imaginary solution?

That's true. Complex and pure-imaginary solutions come in 'conjugate' pairs.

How are the real solutions of a quadratic equation related to the graph of the quadratic function?

The real solutions are the points at which the graph of the function crosses the x-axis. If the graph never crosses the x-axis, then the solutions are imaginary.

Related questions

How can you determine whether a polynomial equation has imaginary solutions?

To determine whether a polynomial equation has imaginary solutions, you must first identify what type of equation it is. If it is a quadratic equation, you can use the quadratic formula to solve for the solutions. If the equation is a cubic or higher order polynomial, you can use the Rational Root Theorem to determine if there are any imaginary solutions. The Rational Root Theorem states that if a polynomial equation has rational solutions, they must be a factor of the constant term divided by a factor of the leading coefficient. If there are no rational solutions, then the equation has imaginary solutions. To use the Rational Root Theorem, first list out all the possible rational solutions. Then, plug each possible rational solution into the equation and see if it is a solution. If there are any solutions, then the equation has imaginary solutions. If not, then there are no imaginary solutions.

The discriminant determines how many a quadratic equation will have and whether they are real or imaginary.?


The determines how many solutions a quadratic equation will have and whether they are real or imaginary?


The discriminant determines how many solutions a quadratic equation will have and whether they are real or?


A quadratic equation can't have one imaginary solution?

That's true. Complex and pure-imaginary solutions come in 'conjugate' pairs.

How are the real solutions of a quadratic equation related to the graph of the quadratic function?

The real solutions are the points at which the graph of the function crosses the x-axis. If the graph never crosses the x-axis, then the solutions are imaginary.

You can determine by the discriminant whether the solutions to the equation are real or numbers?


How you find the solution of a quadratic equation by graphing its quadratic equation?

When you graph the quadratic equation, you have three possibilities... 1. The graph touches x-axis once. Then that quadratic equation only has one solution and you find it by finding the x-intercept. 2. The graph touches x-axis twice. Then that quadratic equation has two solutions and you also find it by finding the x-intercept 3. The graph doesn't touch the x-axis at all. Then that quadratic equation has no solutions. If you really want to find the solutions, you'll have to go to imaginary solutions, where the solutions include negative square roots.

How many solution will there be if the quadratic equation does not touch or cross the x-axis?

0 real solutions. There are other solutions in the complex planes (with i, the imaginary number), but there are no real solutions.

If the discriminant of a quadratic equation is -4 how many solutions does the equation have?

If the discriminant of a quadratic equation is less then 0 then it will have no real solutions.

Why does the discriminant determine the number and type of the solutions for a quadratic equation?

A quadratic equation is wholly defined by its coefficients. The solutions or roots of the quadratic can, therefore, be determined by a function of these coefficients - and this function called the quadratic formula. Within this function, there is one part that specifically determines the number and types of solutions it is therefore called the discriminant: it discriminates between the different types of solutions.

Can there be a real and imaginary solution to a quadratic equation?

Yes, there can be a pure imaginary imaginary solution, as i2 =-1 and -i2 = 1. Or there can be a pure real solution or there can be a complex solution.For a quadratic equation ax2+ bx + c = 0, it depends on the value of the discriminant [b2 - 4ac], which is the value inside the radical of the quadratic formula.[b2 - 4ac] > 0 : Two distinct real solutions.[b2 - 4ac] = 0 : Two equal real solutions (double root).[b2 - 4ac] < 0 : Two complex solutions; they will be pure imaginary if b = 0, they will have both real and imaginary parts if b is nonzero.