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Q: What did Aristotle place more emphasis on?
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What did Sparta place more emphasis on?

Sparta placed more emphasis on military service.

What does it mean to place an emphasis?

To place emphasis on something, you: * highlight it * make it stand out from the rest * give more importance to it

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Why Aristotle is more famous than Plato?

Aristotle is more famous than Plato due to his extensive contributions in various fields such as logic, metaphysics, ethics, politics, and natural sciences. Additionally, Aristotle's works have had a significant impact on Western philosophy and influenced thinkers throughout history. His systematic approach to knowledge and emphasis on empirical observation also set him apart from Plato.

How have the deeds of Aristotle influenced your life?

Aristotle's emphasis on the pursuit of knowledge and virtue has inspired me to constantly strive for self-improvement and to seek a deeper understanding of the world around me. His teachings on ethics and logic have shaped my decision-making process and how I approach moral dilemmas. Overall, Aristotle's ideas continue to guide me in leading a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

In a comparison of the ancient cities of Athens and Sparta Sparta place more emphasis on?

Military service

What was Aristotle's Surname?

Aristotle is Aristotle's first and only name. At that time in that place surnames were not used.

Why did the writtings and ideas Aristotle disturb some medieval christians?

Some medieval Christians were concerned with Aristotle's ideas and writings because they challenged certain aspects of Christian doctrine and promoted a more rational and secular worldview. Aristotle's emphasis on reason and empirical observation clashed with the faith-based beliefs of the Church, leading to tension and opposition from some Christian scholars and authorities.

What is Aristotle's name?

Aristotle is Aristotle's first and only name. At that time in that place surnames were not used.

Who is the greatest philosophy Plato or Aristotle?

Both Plato and Aristotle made significant contributions to the field of philosophy, but their approaches and ideas differ greatly. Plato's emphasis on ideal forms and the theory of forms laid the foundation for Western philosophy, while Aristotle's empirical approach and emphasis on logic and science have had a lasting impact on various disciplines. Ultimately, determining the "greatest" philosopher between the two is subjective and depends on individual perspectives and preferences.

What influence has Aristotle had on drama?

Aristotle's dramatic principles, as outlined in his work "Poetics," have had a significant influence on the development of Western drama. His concept of the three unities (action, time, and place), as well as his emphasis on plot, character, and spectacle, have shaped the way playwrights and dramatists structure their work. Aristotle's ideas continue to be studied and applied in the creation and analysis of dramatic works.

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