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Q: What did Holmes find odd about the dog lash?
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Odd =]dog gril say ok

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I don't know who the real Victoria Holmes is but I'm writing mysteries and my main characters wife's name is Victoria. That is really odd! ;)

What does it mean when my dog she meets other dogs has a odd whining why does she do this and what does it mean its not a playful whine thank you?

It means that she doesn't like the dog, because she is giving a odd whine which you don't hear often because dog's in the neighbourhood are quite friendly. But to your dog these dogs she give a odd whine to is porbably a dangerous dog.

How do you find odd square root?

Look for odd squares. Multiplying odd numbers results in an odd product.

What are the release dates for The Odd Couple - 1970 The Dog Story 5-5?

The Odd Couple - 1970 The Dog Story 5-5 was released on: USA: 10 October 1974

What are odd dog names?

Lickers, Droolers, Poopers, Mutt, and Mutty

Should a dog be put to sleep if all he does is snap at you the odd time?

It is possible to train the dog but it might take some time. Another option is to send the dog to puppy school ( if the dog is still young) and tell them that he has this problem. If he doesn't get into puppy school, try find some ways of training them, it's just like teaching them tricks. In my opinion putting a dog to sleep for just snapping at you at the odd time is not fair to the dog, it probably sees you as a threat. Certain dogs might have problems with what there owners look like or behave like.

What do you notice when you find the difference between an odd and even numbers?

The answer is an odd number.

How do you find the perimeter of an odd shape?

All you do is add up all the sides to find the perimeter even though it is a odd shape

Can you find 3 odd numbers that equals to fifty?

No. An odd plus an odd is even, and an even plus an odd is odd. Thus, you will always end up with an odd number if you add only three odd numbers together, and 50 is even.

How Do You Find The Square Root of Odd Numbers?

The procedure is the same whether the number is even or odd. There is no separate procedure for odd numbers.

The sum of an even and odd number?

Lets find out.2 + 3 = 5 (Odd)4 + 7 = 11 (Odd)12 + 13 = 25 (Odd)So it appears that the sum of an even and odd number is an odd number.