Euler made important discoveries in fields as diverse as calculus and graph theory. He introduced much of the modern mathematical terminology and notation, particularly for mathematical analysis, and defined the modern notion of a mathematical function. Euler is also renowned for his work in mechanics, fluid dynamics, optics, and astronomy.
Euler worked in almost all areas of mathematics: geometry, calculus, trigonometry, algebra, and number theory.
Leonard Euler discovered ways to express various logarithmic functions using power series, and he successfully defined logarithms for negative and complex numbers, thus greatly expanding the scope of mathematical applications of logarithms which id=s hars=dest but most useful formula ever
He is famous for:
e(i �) + 1 = 0
called "the most remarkable formula in mathematics" by Richard Feynman, for its single uses of the notions of addition, multiplication, exponentiation, and equality, and the single uses of the important constants 0, 1, e, i and � (pi). Euler elaborated the theory of higher transcendental functions by introducing the gamma function and introduced a new method for solvingquartic equations. He also found a way to calculate integrals with complex limits, foreshadowing the development of modern complex analysis, and invented the calculus of variations including its best-known result, the Euler-Lagrange equation.
Leonhard Euler (after whom it was named).Leonhard Euler (after whom it was named).Leonhard Euler (after whom it was named).Leonhard Euler (after whom it was named).
Leonhard Eular was most known for his work in the field of mathematics. He was around in the 18th century and is most known for his work in analysis theory.
Leonhard ''Euler''
Leonhard Euler
Judgment call. 'Best' in what way? I like Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) but there are many other candidates.
Leonhard Euler (after whom it was named).Leonhard Euler (after whom it was named).Leonhard Euler (after whom it was named).Leonhard Euler (after whom it was named).
Leonhard Euler was a Swiss mathematician and scientist in the 18th century.
Leonhard Euler was born on April 15, 1707.
Leonhard Euler was born in Basel, Switzerland on 15 April 1707.
Leonhard Euler has 1 brother,Johann Heinrich Euler and 2 sisters,Maria MagdalenaandAnna Maria.
Leonhard Euler
Leonhard Euler married Katharina Gsell, daughter of Swiss painter Georg Gsell.
Leonhard Eular was most known for his work in the field of mathematics. He was around in the 18th century and is most known for his work in analysis theory.
Leonhard Euler.
Leonhard Euler