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Q: What did Pythagoras have to do with pi?
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Related questions

Did Pythagoras invent pi?

He did some of the numbers in Pi.

Who used the pi symbol first?

Pythagoras was the 1st person who used the pi symbol first

Who was the first person known to find a value for pi?


Which Ancient Greek discovered Pi?

Pythagoras was credited with discovering the relationship of a radius with a circumference. Hence the term Pi (Pye).

When did pi come around?

Pythagoras was a theory developed by a scientist who was greek and dutched all day long

What mathematical term starts with the letter P?

pi, pythagoras, parallelogram, polynomial, probability, permutation, take your pick!

Who discovered circumference of circle?

The ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras is usually creditted for the discovery of the ratio of circumference to radius of circles. That is, Circumference = 2 * Pi * Radius. The number Pi represents (3.1415....) is named after him.

Did Pythagoras like pie?

Yes!!! Hev probably ate Cow pie or Apple pie. Careful ' 'pie' is the food that you eat . 'pi' is the constant of prportion of circles, which was known to Pythagoras.

What are ten geometry words that began with the same letter?

Pythagoras Pyramid Perimeter Pentagon Pi Polygon Polyhedron Parallelogram Perpendicular Prism

What is Phthagoras theorem?

Pythagoras's theorem was TT (pi) which is the ratio of the circumference of a circle diameter . The ratio is 3.16 etc and he found that out in the late 19th century.

What is a example of a math problems using formulas?

Some of the many are:- Area of a circle: pi*radius2 Circumference of a circle: 2*pi*radius or diameter*pi Volume of a sphere: 4/3*pi*radius3 Surface area of a sphere: 4*pi*radius2 Volume of a cone: 1/3*pi*radius2*height Volume of a prism: area of cross-section*length Pythagoras' theorem: a2+b2 = c2

How do you find the surface area of a circular cone with a height of 3.76 ft and a base diameter of 5.74?

Entire surface area of a cone = (pi*radius2)+(pi*radius*slant length) Use Pythagoras' theorem to find the slant length